Tuesday, 27 October 2015

El dia del libro en Ibiza & Catalunia

I found a thing which I wrote on 1st of July 2015, but have forgotten to publish. Here you have a chance to read :)

On Thursday the first thing which attained my attention was lack of water in all taps. I didn't know what happened, but I decided to have a breakfast and then decide what to do next. I applied for a few jobs which may be useful as additional jobs for me during the summer. Then as I was not able to take a shower I decided to do some exercises. I run along the coast of the island, round the castle and then I had a walk around streets with small shops and cafes in the centre. On the main square there was a book market. I had a quick glance at available books, but came back home with an intention to come back later as I didn't have money on me. I had dinner as water was already back :) In the late afternoon we went with Miguel to check out the books. I found something for myself like my friend did, but what was the most enjoyable for us was a small snack which we could buy on a local stall accompanied by a small cup of wine. Was delicious! A pleasant moment of the day:) After returning home my legs were dying after all running and walking.

Naya told me that the day was a well known dia del libro in Catalonia. People usually go to the market of books in Sant Jordi to buy books and meet with their friends. The tradition says that girls present books to boys and boys rosas to girls. I think it is a really cool tradition. I am starting to realize that the region of Catalonia has got many unique and amazing traditions.

Saturday night was a big party in Pacha. Salomun was playing. I decided to stay at home as entrance was €40 for me and for free to my friends as they are already residents of the island. So I am handicapped for a start, moreover I have quite a lot of other expenses in upcoming 2 weeks. They set off there very late, cause about 4am after finishing a bottle of rum. I decided to pick them up when they need, so I got the call at 7:30am. We ended up in a house of some nice guy (met on the party) in our neighbourhood with some other friends. I stayed there too learning Spanish. It is worth to mention that the party was rich in substances:) 
After dinner I had some rest and headed for a walk in town. Finally I walked around castle, which is a pleasant thing to do, with one of my friends.
Today a luggage with my things arrived from Poland. I have almost all that I need now. So I started to thick the list. A hairdresser. Was marroccan and presented me with a very interesting hairstyle. I noticed that hairdressers from different countries like to cut hair their own way. The first time I experienced style like that one. I like it:) my gf said it is typical cani style and that I look like a boy from Mujeres y hombres. Haha:) next step pay the rent and finally we went to local Mercadona to do a big shopping. All shelves, a fridge and a freezer are completely full now. Especially the last one of them. Every cubic cm is occupied by something. 
Time to prepare to start work tomorrow. Que allegria de verano!

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