Monday, 27 April 2015

Second weekend on the island

Saturday night was a big party in Pacha. Salomun was playing. I decided to stay at home as entrance was €40 for me and for free to my friends as they are already residents of the island. So I am handicapped for a start, moreover I have quite a lot of other expenses in upcoming 2 weeks. They set off there very late, cause about 4am after finishing a bottle of rum. I decided to pick them up when they need, so I got the call at 7:30am. We ended up in a house of some nice guy (met on the party) in our neighbourhood with some other friends. I stayed there too learning Spanish. It is worth to mention that the party was rich in substances:) 
After dinner I had some rest and headed for a walk in town. Finally I walked around castle, which is a pleasant thing to do, with one of my friends.
Today a luggage with my things arrived from Poland. I have almost all that I need now. So I started to thick the list. A hairdresser. Was marroccan and presented me with a very interesting hairstyle. I noticed that hairdressers from different countries like to cut hair their own way. The first time I experienced style like that one. I like it:) my gf said it is typical cani style and that I look like a boy from Mujeres y hombres. Haha:) next step pay the rent and finally we went to local Mercadona to do a big shopping. All shelves, a fridge and a freezer are completely full now. Especially the last one of them. Every cubic cm is occupied by something. 
Time to prepare to start work tomorrow. Que allegria de verano!

Friday, 24 April 2015

El dia del livro

On Thursday the first thing which attained my attention was lack of water in all taps. I didn't know what happened, but I decided to have a breakfast and then decide what to do next. I applied for a few jobs which may be useful as additional jobs for me during the summer. Then as I was not able to take a shower I decided to do some exercises. I run along the coast of the island, round the castle and then I had a walk around streets with small shops and cafes in the centre. On the main square there was a book market. I had a quick glance at available books, but came back home with an intention to come back later as I didn't have money on me. I had dinner as water was already back :) In the late afternoon we went with Miguel to check out the books. I found something for myself like my friend did, but what was the most enjoyable for us was a small snack which we could buy on a local stall accompanied by a small cup of wine. Was delicious! A pleasant moment of the day:) After returning home my legs were dying after all running and walking.

Naya told me that the day was a well known dia del libro in Catalonia. People usually go to the market of books in Sant Jordi to buy books and meet with their friends. The tradition says that girls present books to boys and boys rosas to girls. I think it is a really cool tradition. I am starting to realize that the region of Catalonia has got many unique and amazing traditions.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Normal weekend in Ibiza

I will add pictures when I finally have my laptop.

The Saturday day started early, because me and Miguel decided to go to market in Sant Antonio. We wake up at 8:30 and walk about 25 minutes to the market which was localized not far from our home. On the way when we were looking around looking for a correct street police stopped and asked for our ID's, if we drunk or took drugs. They searched us too. We were a little shocked as it was a very calm street in a calm neighbourhood. Anyway they let us go. While on the market of used bris and bras we checked each stall carefully in search of interesting us things. We were happy seeing different types of books in a very good prices - €1-€3. We looked through all of the in the market and chose the most interesting for us. Miguel bought his bicycle too. We came back home. I changed the keyboard in the laptop for my friend, we went jogging and had some food. I was happy then that I could talk with my girlfriend on the phone until we got ready to go to the hippy market in the other part of the island. That one had new and unusual things, but everything was much more expensive. We enjoyed it anyway, because everything was very colourful and unusual. As well an atmosphere there was very friendly.

I went for a short walk along the beach in the evening. My friends wanted to go out that night, but I all night until 1am or 2am spend on the phone. They were waiting for me with a bottle of rum which we bought on our way back. We drank it talking about variety of topics, listening to the music and Miguel played a guitar, so we spend our time very pleasant. When a bottle finished we headed for some local club few minutes walking from our house. We entered and were talking with local people which we found there. 

I must admit I was very drunk and walking past some people which I spoke with before I touched a girl in her bottom I suppose, because she got annoyed and some her friend complained about me to security and I needed to leave the place. The bouncer told me I better go out this night, than have some further trouble with police if those people carry on complaining and inventing stories, so I waited outside until the party finishes and for the boy who I talked before and later he invented that strange story. But doesn't matter. I spoke to him and his friends & went home along the beach. Of course the night wasn't over yet, because my friends decide to go to some party in the cottage house...

It was 5 or 6am and we chose me to be a driver. That was one of the less wise decisions that I made, but it is boring to be always the clever and responsible one and from time to time is good to do something different. I couldn't be too drunk if last drink I had when we entered the club few hour before. Anyway we followed our GPS and ended up on some car park. There was some people there, so I drank a beer while my friends were talking in Spanish. Was funny to meet the guy who works in our local Lidl:) He was coming back with his girlfriend from the house party we headed to like some other people did. They told us that every 15 minutes comes a car to pick up and drop off people from a car park to the cottage house. Lol. As later someone told it may be done, so police doesn't know where is the party, because all those cars are not parked in front of the house. We said good bye to people and got on the van which took us to the place.

It was very early morning, but from inside we heard loud music and we've seen a lot of people. €6 entrance with one drink seemed cool, so we decided to drink some more alcohol and that was my last drink up to the moment I am writing this memo. We danced by the electronic music having fun together and when we finally got tired about 9am we headed outside to lay down on the sunbeds placed on the yard next to the swimming pool. My friends made some friends and they were talking while I was listening to music and relaxing in a warmth of the morning. At some point I fell asleep and I realized only when some woman in her late thirties was hunging a piece of clothing on the small tree nearby, so the Sun not shine on my face. I managed only to open my eyes and say 'thank you'. Noone else was around. She gave me her furry jacket too to place under my head. I felt more comfortable and continued to sleep. I woke up only when my friends came back with some other people and started to talk loud. I woke up, left them and went to buy some water, because I felt very dehydrated. After a while of enjoying the music inside I went outside and sat by the swimming pool. On the water was floating a some kind of mattress. During all the party noone was jumpin into the water or using it, so as it was about 12am already, I jumped on it and drifted pleasantly in the middle surronded by all those party people until the moment that some friend of my friends decided that would be a good idea to open the valve and get rid of the air from the mattrass. As I couldn't relax thinking that they want to do that I evacuated to the bank of the pool and laid there until it become too hot. I went outside and realized that the house was in the middle of nowhere. Some people started to talk to me, so I practiced my Spanish with them and tried their drink which they offered to me. I left them to check out on my friends who were drinking and taking drugs with a quite big group of new friends. I took tiny amount of something. I don't even know what... Anyway nothing crazy happened with me. I went to relax closer to the pool and after few moments people who I met outside came over to me offering me their drink again just this time they told me they dissolved mdma in it, so I just drunk a tiny sip as I wanted to go home soon and all kind of alcohol and drugs in blood is not recommended for my own safety. And there still may be someone who cares what happens to me even if the only person is beautiful Naya, my girlfriend, it is worth to be responsable for her. However I am not sure now if I was not wrong, because now I feel like noone would care which is much closer to the truth. 

At some point during the day I realized that at least half of people on the party know me, although some were leaving and new ones were coming constantly. With some of them I spoke few words, with others spoke my friends telling about me. I was unico polaco there, so I suppose that was the reason to remember easily. Toño said that even bartender knows which one I am and I ordered only one drink from her very early in the morning and later some water. I went one more time with my friend to order more water, but I was lucky that when she was busy talking with her I could take one full which she probably prepared for herself. Haha. Maybe drugs and tiredness influenced this my behaviour, because I usually don't do that. 

I was getting more and more tired, not like my friends whose blood was on fire. Party finished and instead of going home they decided to go to some club in Sant Antonio with friends met during the day. I didn't like the idea and told them openly. They listened to me and were ready to go home if I take them, but they don't know how to stop and were on fire again after a chat with those friends. I like to drive Toño's car, so I agreed to take them there, but was no way I would continue partying. It is Ibiza. Here party never stops! 

On the way we stopped by another house in the middle of nowhere. We were going by 3 cars and in this one lived some two people. In total 5 people lived in that house and the owner didn't want from them any rent. Cheap, but impossible to get there without a car. Lol. We chilled in the yard and I liked it, but after few moment we continued. Finally they didn't enter to that club too. It was 6pm and entrance was €10 with a drink. Noone has money left, so they agreed another place to go and drink and take drugs on the other side of the island. On the way I needed to stop at the fuel station as the car was indicating empty and that way the other people went alone. I wasn't going to follow them anyway. I was too tired. It was about time to go to a comfortable bed - 7pm. 

Cool day. Unusual place and very kind people. All that makes me like being on that island. I just don't understand why some people need to take some much drugs and alcohol to have fun. Miguel told me he doesn't remember nothing from the point that we arrived to the car park in the early morning. Lol

Maybe not remembering makes life easier? Nayita likes to don't remember what happens or at least is accustomed to that. Reminding myself talking with her about the topic it seems to be true.

I want to learn how to do that. There is some many things I don't want to remember...

Friday, 17 April 2015

Day of strange thoughts

Girls awake too many emotions in me. Last day I spoke with mine she slept during the day and didn't go to the university with her group to present their project. She told me in late evening that she would go to sleep early, because she still feels tired. I called her today at 12:30 and I woke her up with my call. Strange that. When I tried to call her half an hour later she hadn't answered her mobile and called me back about 3pm saying that was cleaning and eating and her mobile was on silence... Unfortunately she passed the limit and I can't believe in that any more. She is the best liar I've ever met and I've seen her skills. Very intelligent girl. I miss her already... a little. I am crazy for her to tell the truth. I need some medicine or will be bad with me. Just the book keep me alive - The shadow of the wind which I got from her. Que cosa dulce.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Idyllic days

Last couple of days passed quite pleasantly without much to do. We did some sport. Training general at home and few kilometres runs along the beach. I run around the city too to discover new places. Today I tried to join the library, but without some prove that I live here they won't register me, so I will take some book on the card of my friends. Anyway, soon I will not have time to read as may is coming and I am going to work 7 days per week:) at the moment I read the book of Carlos Ruiz Zafón which I received as a gift. The title of it is The shadow of the wind. I enjoy it a lot so far and I want to finish as soon as it would be possible!
Life is beautiful. I need to remember that every day. That song puts me in a good mood:

Monday, 13 April 2015

Ibiza jobs

I decided to take a job as a promoter:) I couldn't wait for an answer from Paul with whom I had an interview and I told him to decide if he want to have the best seller of the summer in his team finishing with the question: Are you conVINCEd? After that must say yes. One job acquired. Now time to think about something additional in case that one won't bring me much money. On Sat I met a girl in a queue in Lidl which told me that they are looking for staff in Playa den Bossa, especially in Lips which she mentioned. I thanked and decided to go there next day. The manager was kind and although I hadn't got any waiter experience he told me to come back on Monday with my CV. Having a year experience as a chef and a chance to get that job I printed out my CV and headed for the beach club. The manager was there. Starte to speak with me in Spanish which went well. Happy with me that I can speak few languages he told me I would be able to start soon, but I advised him that since May I would have a other job to do as well, so I will be able to work only 2 days during the day and few evenings. That wasn't the best news for him, but he noted that and now I need to wait for his decision. Of course would be many other people to choose from for him, but the challenge has been accepted and I showed myself from my best side.

Moreover one boy wants to come to Ibiza. Boyfriend of a friend of my friend. We agreed between us housemates that we can rent him a room for a few weeks for €160 pw. Up to him if he wants here on in the hotel. A money for us would be good, but one more person in the house makes it more crowded and we can't agree for that during all somer. We will have other guests too!

With Toño I went for a meeting with Irene. It was a chilly evening, but we drunk our cañas and shared smiles, stories and informations about the island. She is a friendly person.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Ibiza - day 2

Today I had my first Skype job interview. I think it went quite well (over an hour of talking), but you know how it is, you think it went well, but the most important is what the other person decides. And I need to wait till tomorrow for that decision. As in the morning I wasn't sure if I want this job then now I think that I must get it because it seems cool and it is not too hard. Fingers crossed x
In the afternoon we went with my friend Miguel to see old town of Ibiza. It is very close to our house.  Pleasant walk. Nice views and on the buildings it is really possible to see the marks of time. Magical place :) I start to like an Ibiza more!

ibiza town
ibiza cathedral

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Ibiza - first day :)

Today I arrived to the small island of Ibiza. The life is still quite calm here. I moved in to the house of Antonio and Miguel and we organized the living room, so the part of it is mine room now. It should be happy life with both of them. Now I only need a job :)