Friday, 17 April 2015

Day of strange thoughts

Girls awake too many emotions in me. Last day I spoke with mine she slept during the day and didn't go to the university with her group to present their project. She told me in late evening that she would go to sleep early, because she still feels tired. I called her today at 12:30 and I woke her up with my call. Strange that. When I tried to call her half an hour later she hadn't answered her mobile and called me back about 3pm saying that was cleaning and eating and her mobile was on silence... Unfortunately she passed the limit and I can't believe in that any more. She is the best liar I've ever met and I've seen her skills. Very intelligent girl. I miss her already... a little. I am crazy for her to tell the truth. I need some medicine or will be bad with me. Just the book keep me alive - The shadow of the wind which I got from her. Que cosa dulce.

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