Monday, 13 April 2015

Ibiza jobs

I decided to take a job as a promoter:) I couldn't wait for an answer from Paul with whom I had an interview and I told him to decide if he want to have the best seller of the summer in his team finishing with the question: Are you conVINCEd? After that must say yes. One job acquired. Now time to think about something additional in case that one won't bring me much money. On Sat I met a girl in a queue in Lidl which told me that they are looking for staff in Playa den Bossa, especially in Lips which she mentioned. I thanked and decided to go there next day. The manager was kind and although I hadn't got any waiter experience he told me to come back on Monday with my CV. Having a year experience as a chef and a chance to get that job I printed out my CV and headed for the beach club. The manager was there. Starte to speak with me in Spanish which went well. Happy with me that I can speak few languages he told me I would be able to start soon, but I advised him that since May I would have a other job to do as well, so I will be able to work only 2 days during the day and few evenings. That wasn't the best news for him, but he noted that and now I need to wait for his decision. Of course would be many other people to choose from for him, but the challenge has been accepted and I showed myself from my best side.

Moreover one boy wants to come to Ibiza. Boyfriend of a friend of my friend. We agreed between us housemates that we can rent him a room for a few weeks for €160 pw. Up to him if he wants here on in the hotel. A money for us would be good, but one more person in the house makes it more crowded and we can't agree for that during all somer. We will have other guests too!

With Toño I went for a meeting with Irene. It was a chilly evening, but we drunk our cañas and shared smiles, stories and informations about the island. She is a friendly person.

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