Red bridge for trains. Solid construction in an unusual style.
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Luxembourg city centre in the evening
I decided to share few pictures from Luxembourg city centre which I took while driving around with my brother. Pictures are not the best quality, but I like the sky and how that city looks in the evening. Have a look by yourself :)
Sunday, 1 November 2015
(hotel) Hilton Tower, Manchester
This is the highest building in Manchester, UK. It was completed in 2006 and is called Beetham Tower as name of it constructors or Hilton Tower, because there is situated hotel known by this name. 47-storey skyscraper.
beetham tower,
hilton hotel,
hilton tower,
Manchester, UK
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
El dia del libro en Ibiza & Catalunia
I found a thing which I wrote on 1st of July 2015, but have forgotten to publish. Here you have a chance to read :)
On Thursday the first thing which attained my attention was lack of water in all taps. I didn't know what happened, but I decided to have a breakfast and then decide what to do next. I applied for a few jobs which may be useful as additional jobs for me during the summer. Then as I was not able to take a shower I decided to do some exercises. I run along the coast of the island, round the castle and then I had a walk around streets with small shops and cafes in the centre. On the main square there was a book market. I had a quick glance at available books, but came back home with an intention to come back later as I didn't have money on me. I had dinner as water was already back :) In the late afternoon we went with Miguel to check out the books. I found something for myself like my friend did, but what was the most enjoyable for us was a small snack which we could buy on a local stall accompanied by a small cup of wine. Was delicious! A pleasant moment of the day:) After returning home my legs were dying after all running and walking.
Naya told me that the day was a well known dia del libro in Catalonia. People usually go to the market of books in Sant Jordi to buy books and meet with their friends. The tradition says that girls present books to boys and boys rosas to girls. I think it is a really cool tradition. I am starting to realize that the region of Catalonia has got many unique and amazing traditions.
Saturday night was a big party in Pacha. Salomun was playing. I decided to stay at home as entrance was €40 for me and for free to my friends as they are already residents of the island. So I am handicapped for a start, moreover I have quite a lot of other expenses in upcoming 2 weeks. They set off there very late, cause about 4am after finishing a bottle of rum. I decided to pick them up when they need, so I got the call at 7:30am. We ended up in a house of some nice guy (met on the party) in our neighbourhood with some other friends. I stayed there too learning Spanish. It is worth to mention that the party was rich in substances:)
After dinner I had some rest and headed for a walk in town. Finally I walked around castle, which is a pleasant thing to do, with one of my friends.
Today a luggage with my things arrived from Poland. I have almost all that I need now. So I started to thick the list. A hairdresser. Was marroccan and presented me with a very interesting hairstyle. I noticed that hairdressers from different countries like to cut hair their own way. The first time I experienced style like that one. I like it:) my gf said it is typical cani style and that I look like a boy from Mujeres y hombres. Haha:) next step pay the rent and finally we went to local Mercadona to do a big shopping. All shelves, a fridge and a freezer are completely full now. Especially the last one of them. Every cubic cm is occupied by something.
Time to prepare to start work tomorrow. Que allegria de verano!
dia del libro
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Friday, 16 October 2015
Ibiza - Malaga - Granada
Yesterday finally the time came to leave this fabulous island called Ibiza. I woke up early morning, collected my stuff and was on my way to the airport when I realized that I left my Canon camera battery on charge at home! Luckily one of my friends was able to bring it to me by scooter to the airport. What a relief! At the airport I met Gianpaolo who missed his flight because of the mobile alarm failure and who needed to spent nearly 500 euro to book new flights home!
12:30 I was on my way. Just before boarding the plane I booked Blablacar driver with who I would be able to travel from Malaga airport to Granada and I left. Flight was pleasant and day very sunny. In Malaga 25 degrees Celsius. I needed to wait for my driver who was about to arrive from Mallorca, but it was a very pleasant wait. During my short car travel with him we exchanged some interesting info with each other. His name was Manuel, 41 years old and was born in Granada. He works in construction and is responsible for building some villa worth 9 mln euro close to Magaluf in Mallorca. Trip in his Mazda went very smoothly. I was happy I decided to travel with someone rather than by bus. I gathered some useful information.
On arrival my girlfriend was waiting for me :) A very sweet girl. We spent all evening drinking and eating tapas in local bars. Alcohol I drink from time to time, but those delicious tapas make me want to drink every day. mmm... que bueno! To finish the night we headed to a small club with latin music and danced some bachata.
My first day in Granada was wonderful. I hope to have all of them here at least like that one.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Imprezy na Ibizie 2015
Imprezy na Ibizie 2015 to temat rzeka i nie jestem w stanie zawrzeć wszystkiego o nich w jednym artykule. Przybliżę na początek ogólne reguły panujące na wyspie. Największe dwa ośrodki imprezowe na wyspie znajdują się w Playa den Bossa na południu wyspy, kilka minut podróży taksówka z lotniska (około €12 taxi), i San Antonio (około €30 za podróż taksówką tutaj) na północy wyspy gdzie wszystko jest mniejsze, tańsze, mniej huczne i królują tutaj turyści z Wielkiej Brytanii.
Imprezy na Ibizie 2015
Największymi klubami na wyspie są - kolejność alfabetyczna - Amnesia, Eden, Ibiza Rocks, Pacha, Privilage, Sankeys, Space, Ushuaya. Każdy z klubów organizuje imrezy w każdy dzień tygodnia i grają inni dj'e w zależności od dnia. Każdy z najbardziej znanych DJ'ów ma swoją noc w jednym z wymienionych klubów, więc sprawdź przed przylotem na Ibizę w jaki dzień będzie grał Twój ulubiony DJ.
Przylatując na wyspę z Polski zapewne zdecydujesz się zatrzymać w zakątkach wyspy oddalonych od imprez. Będzie to głównie spowodowane tym, że polscy operatorzy nie oferują zakwaterowań w najlpszym miejscu na wyspie jakim jest Playa den Bossa. Do wyboru będziesz miał np. zakwaterowanie w Santa Eulalia, Calla Longa lub gdzieś w okolicach San Antonio. Miejsca te charakteryzują się niższą ceną pobytu i ciszą i spokojem, ponieważ wokół jedynymi miejscami pełnymi turystów poza hotelami będą restauracje i plaże. Choć te ostatnie jeszcze nie są zapełnione. Do poruszania się na wyspie wystarczy skuter. Za dzień wypożyczenie zapłacimy 20 euro. Oczywiście i dłuższy wynajem, tym cena za dzień mniejsza. Wadą mieszkania w miejscach oddalonych od głównych miejsc rozrywki jest, to, że na skutrze nie pojedzimy wypić kilku drinków, jako że później i tak nim nie wrócimy. Poruszanie się na co dzień taksówką może być dość kosztowne, a nocny Discobus kursuje tylko pomiędzy San Antonio, a Playa dn Bossa. Cena za przejazd to 3 euro. Zatrzymuje się on przy klubach Amnesia i Privillage, którą są oddalone o kilka kilometrów od miasta Ibiza.
Imprezy na Ibizie 2015 czas zacząć, więc każdego imprezowicza zapraszam do kontaktu ze mną. Pracuję dla firmy organizującej imprezy na statku, ale współpracujemy też z innymi klubami, więc dodajemy darmowe wejściówki do różnych klubów. Lista partnerów aktualizowana jest tygodniowo.
imprezy na ibizie 2015
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Sunday, 5 July 2015
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Mess & Party & Adventure
A lot of days. A lot of parties. 1 of June a meeting with all owners of the company as some customers claimed I promised a jet ski to them and a banana. lol. All happened in less than 1h. At first almost lost my job, then my managers decided to sack me, so I was out. Very stupid way to loose a job because of lies of some 4 women customers, so I spoke some more with my manager Okan and he with Paul used veto and thanks to them I stayed at work. Although I think owners keep an eye on me all the time, because weren't happy. After all that I had a few drinks as it was on a pool party, actually quite a lot of them and after I went out I visited one place to ask for a job, just in case. They called me next day to come to work for a training, but I said no and decided to stay in my current job. Tuesday after work we had as well a surprise 5pm staff pool party. A lot of food, beer, mojito, champagne, sangria & vodka. Was fun, but at 10pm Naya was coming, so couldn't party hard as wanted to pick her up from the airport by car. We had a nice evening together. In the meantime 1 of my friends which went out to party was involved in a fight and 2 others tried to separate them, while the police arrived and all 3 were arrested and beaten. One stayed longer in custody as tried to fight with police officers.
On Friday had a day off and we went to visit cala Comte and cala Tarida. Two very beautiful places to relax and swim and admire. We were lucky that Tono agreed to borrow his car and we could travel easily :) In the evening a small party with few drinks in Top 21 club in Playa den Bossa. Sunday evening we watched the sunset in San Antonio which was spectacular. After that we came back and get prepared to go to Space drinking some wine before going out. We had half price entrance with a guestlist and later more alcohol, some M D M A with my friends and just before 6am 2 of us set off home. Amazing morning together and we fell asleep exhausted. In the meantime my friends came back with more friends home and started to party. I woke up only to look whats going on and carried on rest. Woke up at 10:50am panicking that Naya would miss her flight for Berlin. My panic quickly moved onto her and she woke up rapidly. After few moments she realized that she still has got some time as plane was changed for 12:50. We arrived to the airport 11:45 and there were told that plane leaves at 12:30, but we were lucky and they opened the check in for us. I was sleeping the rest of the day as I was off.
Tuesday and Wednesday weren't great days to make money from selling tickets, although should get better soon. Eso espero :)
On Friday had a day off and we went to visit cala Comte and cala Tarida. Two very beautiful places to relax and swim and admire. We were lucky that Tono agreed to borrow his car and we could travel easily :) In the evening a small party with few drinks in Top 21 club in Playa den Bossa. Sunday evening we watched the sunset in San Antonio which was spectacular. After that we came back and get prepared to go to Space drinking some wine before going out. We had half price entrance with a guestlist and later more alcohol, some M D M A with my friends and just before 6am 2 of us set off home. Amazing morning together and we fell asleep exhausted. In the meantime my friends came back with more friends home and started to party. I woke up only to look whats going on and carried on rest. Woke up at 10:50am panicking that Naya would miss her flight for Berlin. My panic quickly moved onto her and she woke up rapidly. After few moments she realized that she still has got some time as plane was changed for 12:50. We arrived to the airport 11:45 and there were told that plane leaves at 12:30, but we were lucky and they opened the check in for us. I was sleeping the rest of the day as I was off.
Tuesday and Wednesday weren't great days to make money from selling tickets, although should get better soon. Eso espero :)
Sunday, 31 May 2015
some photos to the stories part 1
ambulance sponsored by Space Ibiza
some cool pictures in the local library
yummy breakfast
Saturday market in Sant Jordi
Hippy market Ibiza las Dalias
a book stall
First party somewhere in the villa in the middle of nowhere
drifting in the pool
ibiza memories
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Sunday, 24 May 2015
10 days of adventure
Next days at work were fun. Different people, some sales. Some bad weather and rain as well which made each day look very different from one another. Hopefully rain stops, because I had enough of it already. It is much more pleasant having a hot day.
On Sat a pool party, quite nice. Sun me and my housemates went to the White Club close to our house with some friends. My friends went crazy. I went as a promoter, because I was invited as a promoter to see what hey have in the offer and maybe recommend to some customers. The place was with not many people and 95% of them spoke only Spanish. Mon in the evening small trip to Cala Olivera which as a small quiet place good to relax. Wed met some nice people from the other boat company on the island which start work in a couple of days. It is called BeautifulPeople. In the evening opening of Sankeys part I were on the guestlist were people who sold a ticket today. I of course sold and in the evening visited it to meet up with friends. Thu very rainy and we finished early, but the evening as very nice and with some people from work we went for a IMS Grand Finale Festival at Dalt Vila were played dj's like Luciano, Pete Tong, Solomun, Sven Vath, Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons. Really nice concert. Later we headed to Sankeys opening party part II. Didn't planned to go, but everyone from work were there, so we ended up on the party with my manager and few colleagues which went to the festival. Got drunk that night. lol. Fri a walk and a drink with Migue in the evening. Sat (opening of Bora Bora) & Sun (Guy Gerber plaing in a beach club) decided to stay at home though. My workmates go out almost every night. lol
On Sat a pool party, quite nice. Sun me and my housemates went to the White Club close to our house with some friends. My friends went crazy. I went as a promoter, because I was invited as a promoter to see what hey have in the offer and maybe recommend to some customers. The place was with not many people and 95% of them spoke only Spanish. Mon in the evening small trip to Cala Olivera which as a small quiet place good to relax. Wed met some nice people from the other boat company on the island which start work in a couple of days. It is called BeautifulPeople. In the evening opening of Sankeys part I were on the guestlist were people who sold a ticket today. I of course sold and in the evening visited it to meet up with friends. Thu very rainy and we finished early, but the evening as very nice and with some people from work we went for a IMS Grand Finale Festival at Dalt Vila were played dj's like Luciano, Pete Tong, Solomun, Sven Vath, Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons. Really nice concert. Later we headed to Sankeys opening party part II. Didn't planned to go, but everyone from work were there, so we ended up on the party with my manager and few colleagues which went to the festival. Got drunk that night. lol. Fri a walk and a drink with Migue in the evening. Sat (opening of Bora Bora) & Sun (Guy Gerber plaing in a beach club) decided to stay at home though. My workmates go out almost every night. lol
Thursday, 14 May 2015
A week with plenty to tell of
On Wednesday I worked with a cool girl from Colombia. She is always in a good mood and it is fun to sell tickets with her. Daniele is perfect companion to work with. I enjoyed all day together. In the evening I went for a walk in the Dalt Villa, because Medieval Fair had started on the 7th. I had a short walk and I returned next day after work with my housemates. We ate a tasty potato with salad inside and sauces. It was really filling. We could visit there as well an art gallery where was a small exposition with very original pieces of art. A very interesting technique of doing pictures. The most interesting was a paper bag with cuts on the side and with a lamp inside. A shadow showed on the wall a face of Marlin Monroe! How cool was that :) Other pieces of art were very interesting too. We talked with the author and he explained to us meaning of his paintings.
On Saturday came time for a small shopping as it is a day off. I bought a nice new shorts and a T-shirt. Combine cool when worn together:) I am very happy from the purchase. Straight after that I went to the beach in Talamanca to get tanned. I lied on the beach and later went to see the city and the sea from the cliff. The view was stunning! Was definitely worth to go there:)
Came back home, quick shower and back to work as all workers needed to be at after party not later than 9:30pm. Cool people work with me, so it is always fun to see them. I was completely hungry after a long day, so I enjoyed especially the BBQ.
Sunday and Monday at work with hopes to go on a boat on Tuesday, but we sold out all spaces and noone could go on board. Anyway we had some fun on pre-party by the pool and took an unforgettable picture - workmates together.
Champions League in the evening brought some relax. The big final soon. Go Juventus!
In the meantime a lot of new people arrived to work for the company. Last two days with new people. First with Koko, but he had some training already and today with a completely new Brazilian. What a crazy day. The girl was on fire instead to follow what I tell her. Anyway, when she learn she may be a good seller.
On Saturday came time for a small shopping as it is a day off. I bought a nice new shorts and a T-shirt. Combine cool when worn together:) I am very happy from the purchase. Straight after that I went to the beach in Talamanca to get tanned. I lied on the beach and later went to see the city and the sea from the cliff. The view was stunning! Was definitely worth to go there:)
Came back home, quick shower and back to work as all workers needed to be at after party not later than 9:30pm. Cool people work with me, so it is always fun to see them. I was completely hungry after a long day, so I enjoyed especially the BBQ.
Sunday and Monday at work with hopes to go on a boat on Tuesday, but we sold out all spaces and noone could go on board. Anyway we had some fun on pre-party by the pool and took an unforgettable picture - workmates together.
Champions League in the evening brought some relax. The big final soon. Go Juventus!
In the meantime a lot of new people arrived to work for the company. Last two days with new people. First with Koko, but he had some training already and today with a completely new Brazilian. What a crazy day. The girl was on fire instead to follow what I tell her. Anyway, when she learn she may be a good seller.
a few days from life
Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
First boat party
Finally an opening day! All people were gathering in the Hostal, but me and a couple of friends - Sascha & Dominika - went straight to the boat as the boat place is just 5 minutes walk from my house. We bought some hierbas ibicencas to start with and later we continued to drink with a crowd on the boat. Some beer and plenty of sangria, so when we made stop close to Formentera I was already quite drunk. Music and views were cool, so it was a pleasant time. Dancing with friends, meeting new people. One famous jockey from Pisa, Italy was on the boat. I have pictures, but he prefered they remain unpublished;) On the way back more dancing, more music and this time drinks like Sex on the beach & Mojito. After the boat we headed to my house with Byron to have some rest, because at 9pm second part starts. Small lunch and at 8pm we headed to the Sant Jordi house where were our work colleagues with whom we went to the Hostal CDLN to eat and drink some more. Some beef and chicken made me feel better and with that some jagermeister and rum. Music was worse in that part of the party... Our resident DJ played. But the rest was perfect. People, atmosphere, alcohol. At midnight all finished and we meet with Miguel and went home to sleep. We tried to go somewhere to have a beer together, but all places were closed. All in all it was a good day.
Saturday, 2 May 2015
First days at work
First day at work! We met at our company Hostal. In total arrived 8 people for a first training. Paul and Okan welcomed us kindly and the first mentioned explained everything what we should know about the company. We get to know each other a little. I met the nice and friendly man Yannick. On Wednesday was another meeting and we carried on training. This time we practised our speech with people. We even made a draft, so we have like a standard pattern ready, but it was not until Thursday that we started to work on the beach. We were grouped in pairs and the first one for me was Matt from England. Typical English lad with a funny mustache in a Salvador Dali style. haha He is a nice person, but as he hasn't been trained he was not prepared to explain the product which we were selling - a boat party, trip to Formentera, pool party and BBQ. After work Yannick invited me to their apartment and we were chilling there with other workers. We decided to do a BBQ and it was here where I for the first time tried Hierbas Ibicencas. They are delicious! Many of my friend set off to Bora Bora Beach Club late evening and I headed home. On Friday another team and another opportunities. This time I was assigned to Deny. He was in Ibiza last summer for a month, so it was nice and easy to work with him, but we haven't sold any tickets as it was the 1st of May. On the beach were a lot of Spanish enjoying a day off, Erasmus students who came for a few days to enjoy themselves and noone else who would be leaving after Sunday. At least we were invited for a party to jet apartments by Erasmus students :)))
We played cards, drunk sangria and later a lot of people came to the apartment and everyone started to drink more and dance and sing. We painted our faces and all of them headed to Space. Me and my friend went home as we had work the next day. Anyway, was fun to party with all the Erasmus. A lot of nice people there.
On Saturday I worked with Fauve. We sold an amazing amount of tickets, 11 of them, which gave us a very good salary in the end of the day. Top score so far! After work we were asked by our manager to load all equipment and all stuff necessary on a boat. Most of us agreed, however we didn't expect it would take us all evening to do that. We've finished after 8pm, and the shift finished at 5pm... Luckily enough I managed to do something in the late evening. I went with my friend to some religious meeting. They meet and sing songs, play guitar, talk and pray. The last one is not something that I do every day, but I respect people who do that. All in all it is always good to meet some people and see how they live.
Sunday on the beach I spent with Daniele (her first name is something else, but it is unfortunately very difficult to remember). The day was very calm, but we managed to sell few tickets. Happy times. In the evening I went for a walk on my local beach to relax and watch the moon. I met there one of my managers enjoying his time with a 5 years old daughter and his ex who live in Belgium. Really nice people and great that have time to spend with their child like family.
We played cards, drunk sangria and later a lot of people came to the apartment and everyone started to drink more and dance and sing. We painted our faces and all of them headed to Space. Me and my friend went home as we had work the next day. Anyway, was fun to party with all the Erasmus. A lot of nice people there.
On Saturday I worked with Fauve. We sold an amazing amount of tickets, 11 of them, which gave us a very good salary in the end of the day. Top score so far! After work we were asked by our manager to load all equipment and all stuff necessary on a boat. Most of us agreed, however we didn't expect it would take us all evening to do that. We've finished after 8pm, and the shift finished at 5pm... Luckily enough I managed to do something in the late evening. I went with my friend to some religious meeting. They meet and sing songs, play guitar, talk and pray. The last one is not something that I do every day, but I respect people who do that. All in all it is always good to meet some people and see how they live.
Sunday on the beach I spent with Daniele (her first name is something else, but it is unfortunately very difficult to remember). The day was very calm, but we managed to sell few tickets. Happy times. In the evening I went for a walk on my local beach to relax and watch the moon. I met there one of my managers enjoying his time with a 5 years old daughter and his ex who live in Belgium. Really nice people and great that have time to spend with their child like family.
Monday, 27 April 2015
Second weekend on the island
Saturday night was a big party in Pacha. Salomun was playing. I decided to stay at home as entrance was €40 for me and for free to my friends as they are already residents of the island. So I am handicapped for a start, moreover I have quite a lot of other expenses in upcoming 2 weeks. They set off there very late, cause about 4am after finishing a bottle of rum. I decided to pick them up when they need, so I got the call at 7:30am. We ended up in a house of some nice guy (met on the party) in our neighbourhood with some other friends. I stayed there too learning Spanish. It is worth to mention that the party was rich in substances:)
After dinner I had some rest and headed for a walk in town. Finally I walked around castle, which is a pleasant thing to do, with one of my friends.
Today a luggage with my things arrived from Poland. I have almost all that I need now. So I started to thick the list. A hairdresser. Was marroccan and presented me with a very interesting hairstyle. I noticed that hairdressers from different countries like to cut hair their own way. The first time I experienced style like that one. I like it:) my gf said it is typical cani style and that I look like a boy from Mujeres y hombres. Haha:) next step pay the rent and finally we went to local Mercadona to do a big shopping. All shelves, a fridge and a freezer are completely full now. Especially the last one of them. Every cubic cm is occupied by something.
Time to prepare to start work tomorrow. Que allegria de verano!
Friday, 24 April 2015
El dia del livro
On Thursday the first thing which attained my attention was lack of water in all taps. I didn't know what happened, but I decided to have a breakfast and then decide what to do next. I applied for a few jobs which may be useful as additional jobs for me during the summer. Then as I was not able to take a shower I decided to do some exercises. I run along the coast of the island, round the castle and then I had a walk around streets with small shops and cafes in the centre. On the main square there was a book market. I had a quick glance at available books, but came back home with an intention to come back later as I didn't have money on me. I had dinner as water was already back :) In the late afternoon we went with Miguel to check out the books. I found something for myself like my friend did, but what was the most enjoyable for us was a small snack which we could buy on a local stall accompanied by a small cup of wine. Was delicious! A pleasant moment of the day:) After returning home my legs were dying after all running and walking.
Naya told me that the day was a well known dia del libro in Catalonia. People usually go to the market of books in Sant Jordi to buy books and meet with their friends. The tradition says that girls present books to boys and boys rosas to girls. I think it is a really cool tradition. I am starting to realize that the region of Catalonia has got many unique and amazing traditions.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Normal weekend in Ibiza
I will add pictures when I finally have my laptop.
The Saturday day started early, because me and Miguel decided to go to market in Sant Antonio. We wake up at 8:30 and walk about 25 minutes to the market which was localized not far from our home. On the way when we were looking around looking for a correct street police stopped and asked for our ID's, if we drunk or took drugs. They searched us too. We were a little shocked as it was a very calm street in a calm neighbourhood. Anyway they let us go. While on the market of used bris and bras we checked each stall carefully in search of interesting us things. We were happy seeing different types of books in a very good prices - €1-€3. We looked through all of the in the market and chose the most interesting for us. Miguel bought his bicycle too. We came back home. I changed the keyboard in the laptop for my friend, we went jogging and had some food. I was happy then that I could talk with my girlfriend on the phone until we got ready to go to the hippy market in the other part of the island. That one had new and unusual things, but everything was much more expensive. We enjoyed it anyway, because everything was very colourful and unusual. As well an atmosphere there was very friendly.
I went for a short walk along the beach in the evening. My friends wanted to go out that night, but I all night until 1am or 2am spend on the phone. They were waiting for me with a bottle of rum which we bought on our way back. We drank it talking about variety of topics, listening to the music and Miguel played a guitar, so we spend our time very pleasant. When a bottle finished we headed for some local club few minutes walking from our house. We entered and were talking with local people which we found there.
I must admit I was very drunk and walking past some people which I spoke with before I touched a girl in her bottom I suppose, because she got annoyed and some her friend complained about me to security and I needed to leave the place. The bouncer told me I better go out this night, than have some further trouble with police if those people carry on complaining and inventing stories, so I waited outside until the party finishes and for the boy who I talked before and later he invented that strange story. But doesn't matter. I spoke to him and his friends & went home along the beach. Of course the night wasn't over yet, because my friends decide to go to some party in the cottage house...
It was 5 or 6am and we chose me to be a driver. That was one of the less wise decisions that I made, but it is boring to be always the clever and responsible one and from time to time is good to do something different. I couldn't be too drunk if last drink I had when we entered the club few hour before. Anyway we followed our GPS and ended up on some car park. There was some people there, so I drank a beer while my friends were talking in Spanish. Was funny to meet the guy who works in our local Lidl:) He was coming back with his girlfriend from the house party we headed to like some other people did. They told us that every 15 minutes comes a car to pick up and drop off people from a car park to the cottage house. Lol. As later someone told it may be done, so police doesn't know where is the party, because all those cars are not parked in front of the house. We said good bye to people and got on the van which took us to the place.
It was very early morning, but from inside we heard loud music and we've seen a lot of people. €6 entrance with one drink seemed cool, so we decided to drink some more alcohol and that was my last drink up to the moment I am writing this memo. We danced by the electronic music having fun together and when we finally got tired about 9am we headed outside to lay down on the sunbeds placed on the yard next to the swimming pool. My friends made some friends and they were talking while I was listening to music and relaxing in a warmth of the morning. At some point I fell asleep and I realized only when some woman in her late thirties was hunging a piece of clothing on the small tree nearby, so the Sun not shine on my face. I managed only to open my eyes and say 'thank you'. Noone else was around. She gave me her furry jacket too to place under my head. I felt more comfortable and continued to sleep. I woke up only when my friends came back with some other people and started to talk loud. I woke up, left them and went to buy some water, because I felt very dehydrated. After a while of enjoying the music inside I went outside and sat by the swimming pool. On the water was floating a some kind of mattress. During all the party noone was jumpin into the water or using it, so as it was about 12am already, I jumped on it and drifted pleasantly in the middle surronded by all those party people until the moment that some friend of my friends decided that would be a good idea to open the valve and get rid of the air from the mattrass. As I couldn't relax thinking that they want to do that I evacuated to the bank of the pool and laid there until it become too hot. I went outside and realized that the house was in the middle of nowhere. Some people started to talk to me, so I practiced my Spanish with them and tried their drink which they offered to me. I left them to check out on my friends who were drinking and taking drugs with a quite big group of new friends. I took tiny amount of something. I don't even know what... Anyway nothing crazy happened with me. I went to relax closer to the pool and after few moments people who I met outside came over to me offering me their drink again just this time they told me they dissolved mdma in it, so I just drunk a tiny sip as I wanted to go home soon and all kind of alcohol and drugs in blood is not recommended for my own safety. And there still may be someone who cares what happens to me even if the only person is beautiful Naya, my girlfriend, it is worth to be responsable for her. However I am not sure now if I was not wrong, because now I feel like noone would care which is much closer to the truth.
At some point during the day I realized that at least half of people on the party know me, although some were leaving and new ones were coming constantly. With some of them I spoke few words, with others spoke my friends telling about me. I was unico polaco there, so I suppose that was the reason to remember easily. Toño said that even bartender knows which one I am and I ordered only one drink from her very early in the morning and later some water. I went one more time with my friend to order more water, but I was lucky that when she was busy talking with her I could take one full which she probably prepared for herself. Haha. Maybe drugs and tiredness influenced this my behaviour, because I usually don't do that.
I was getting more and more tired, not like my friends whose blood was on fire. Party finished and instead of going home they decided to go to some club in Sant Antonio with friends met during the day. I didn't like the idea and told them openly. They listened to me and were ready to go home if I take them, but they don't know how to stop and were on fire again after a chat with those friends. I like to drive Toño's car, so I agreed to take them there, but was no way I would continue partying. It is Ibiza. Here party never stops!
On the way we stopped by another house in the middle of nowhere. We were going by 3 cars and in this one lived some two people. In total 5 people lived in that house and the owner didn't want from them any rent. Cheap, but impossible to get there without a car. Lol. We chilled in the yard and I liked it, but after few moment we continued. Finally they didn't enter to that club too. It was 6pm and entrance was €10 with a drink. Noone has money left, so they agreed another place to go and drink and take drugs on the other side of the island. On the way I needed to stop at the fuel station as the car was indicating empty and that way the other people went alone. I wasn't going to follow them anyway. I was too tired. It was about time to go to a comfortable bed - 7pm.
Cool day. Unusual place and very kind people. All that makes me like being on that island. I just don't understand why some people need to take some much drugs and alcohol to have fun. Miguel told me he doesn't remember nothing from the point that we arrived to the car park in the early morning. Lol
Maybe not remembering makes life easier? Nayita likes to don't remember what happens or at least is accustomed to that. Reminding myself talking with her about the topic it seems to be true.
I want to learn how to do that. There is some many things I don't want to remember...
Friday, 17 April 2015
Day of strange thoughts
Girls awake too many emotions in me. Last day I spoke with mine she slept during the day and didn't go to the university with her group to present their project. She told me in late evening that she would go to sleep early, because she still feels tired. I called her today at 12:30 and I woke her up with my call. Strange that. When I tried to call her half an hour later she hadn't answered her mobile and called me back about 3pm saying that was cleaning and eating and her mobile was on silence... Unfortunately she passed the limit and I can't believe in that any more. She is the best liar I've ever met and I've seen her skills. Very intelligent girl. I miss her already... a little. I am crazy for her to tell the truth. I need some medicine or will be bad with me. Just the book keep me alive - The shadow of the wind which I got from her. Que cosa dulce.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Idyllic days
Last couple of days passed quite pleasantly without much to do. We did some sport. Training general at home and few kilometres runs along the beach. I run around the city too to discover new places. Today I tried to join the library, but without some prove that I live here they won't register me, so I will take some book on the card of my friends. Anyway, soon I will not have time to read as may is coming and I am going to work 7 days per week:) at the moment I read the book of Carlos Ruiz Zafón which I received as a gift. The title of it is The shadow of the wind. I enjoy it a lot so far and I want to finish as soon as it would be possible!
Life is beautiful. I need to remember that every day. That song puts me in a good mood:
Life is beautiful. I need to remember that every day. That song puts me in a good mood:
Monday, 13 April 2015
Ibiza jobs
I decided to take a job as a promoter:) I couldn't wait for an answer from Paul with whom I had an interview and I told him to decide if he want to have the best seller of the summer in his team finishing with the question: Are you conVINCEd? After that must say yes. One job acquired. Now time to think about something additional in case that one won't bring me much money. On Sat I met a girl in a queue in Lidl which told me that they are looking for staff in Playa den Bossa, especially in Lips which she mentioned. I thanked and decided to go there next day. The manager was kind and although I hadn't got any waiter experience he told me to come back on Monday with my CV. Having a year experience as a chef and a chance to get that job I printed out my CV and headed for the beach club. The manager was there. Starte to speak with me in Spanish which went well. Happy with me that I can speak few languages he told me I would be able to start soon, but I advised him that since May I would have a other job to do as well, so I will be able to work only 2 days during the day and few evenings. That wasn't the best news for him, but he noted that and now I need to wait for his decision. Of course would be many other people to choose from for him, but the challenge has been accepted and I showed myself from my best side.
Moreover one boy wants to come to Ibiza. Boyfriend of a friend of my friend. We agreed between us housemates that we can rent him a room for a few weeks for €160 pw. Up to him if he wants here on in the hotel. A money for us would be good, but one more person in the house makes it more crowded and we can't agree for that during all somer. We will have other guests too!
With Toño I went for a meeting with Irene. It was a chilly evening, but we drunk our cañas and shared smiles, stories and informations about the island. She is a friendly person.
Moreover one boy wants to come to Ibiza. Boyfriend of a friend of my friend. We agreed between us housemates that we can rent him a room for a few weeks for €160 pw. Up to him if he wants here on in the hotel. A money for us would be good, but one more person in the house makes it more crowded and we can't agree for that during all somer. We will have other guests too!
With Toño I went for a meeting with Irene. It was a chilly evening, but we drunk our cañas and shared smiles, stories and informations about the island. She is a friendly person.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Ibiza - day 2
Today I had my first Skype job interview. I think it went quite well (over an hour of talking), but you know how it is, you think it went well, but the most important is what the other person decides. And I need to wait till tomorrow for that decision. As in the morning I wasn't sure if I want this job then now I think that I must get it because it seems cool and it is not too hard. Fingers crossed x
In the afternoon we went with my friend Miguel to see old town of Ibiza. It is very close to our house. Pleasant walk. Nice views and on the buildings it is really possible to see the marks of time. Magical place :) I start to like an Ibiza more!
In the afternoon we went with my friend Miguel to see old town of Ibiza. It is very close to our house. Pleasant walk. Nice views and on the buildings it is really possible to see the marks of time. Magical place :) I start to like an Ibiza more!
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
Ibiza - first day :)
Today I arrived to the small island of Ibiza. The life is still quite calm here. I moved in to the house of Antonio and Miguel and we organized the living room, so the part of it is mine room now. It should be happy life with both of them. Now I only need a job :)
ibiza airport
Ibiza, Islas Baleares, España
Tuesday, 13 January 2015
Stroll around the city, Madrid
The landlord was called Alessandro. I would never forget that. Really friendly chap. In the end of 2011 I was renting an apartment of him on Fortaleza's seaside. I spoke to him only on two occasions as my Brazilian girlfriend was dealing with him from the start. My Portuguese was very poor and only later I got to know that he lived in USA and speaks quite good English. Therefore my astonishment was huge when on the day that I was moving to a different apartment he not only offered me a ride in his car to a new place and told that I don't need to worry about utility bills. During the ride he invited me to one of his private houses in Guaramiranga. What a shock! I was completely confused. First time in Brasil and I don't even know the guy. My ex was not much of a help in that situation and as I didn't know much either about the place he wanted to take me to or about him I refused after a moment of consideration. Obviously I didn't want to spend a weekend in a secluded house in a companion of a gay. That would had been very uncomfortable. However, now when I think about it, he knew I had a girlfriend and he probably was some friendly man in his 40s who was looking for a companion to talk about world and life in general.
That is one of not many situations in my life that I didn't know how should I behave. I really regret I haven't accepted the offer because I missed out on living an adventure and getting to know a region more, on the other hand mother always taught me to don't trust strangers and at those time it looked for me silly to travel with someone who shared with me no longer than an hour of conversation in overall. In my point of view I behaved logical, but deep in me I feel like a not brave enough to accept the challenge of life and go towards the unknown...
That is one of not many situations in my life that I didn't know how should I behave. I really regret I haven't accepted the offer because I missed out on living an adventure and getting to know a region more, on the other hand mother always taught me to don't trust strangers and at those time it looked for me silly to travel with someone who shared with me no longer than an hour of conversation in overall. In my point of view I behaved logical, but deep in me I feel like a not brave enough to accept the challenge of life and go towards the unknown...
Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
Short plane story
Yesterday I was travelling on a plane from Palma to Barcelona. When reached my place in a row 33 a girl approached me asking to swap places with her boyfriend who sits in a row 2. I needed to refuse as all people where coming in through front door and it was a hard task to walk to the front. Moreover I was very tired after a long day. However in a couple of minutes I changed my mind when in a row 32 sat a pair or group of stinky people. The boy managed to swap place for a row 28. I told the girl that row 28 is suitable for me as it is not as far and this way I saved my travel which was pleasant and I managed to get some sleep. In life is always worth to be vigilant.
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